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Spring is What Saves Me!

Writer: Jennifer BoireJennifer Boire

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

What is saving me today are the cardinals singing loudly from the bare tree tops. The sun shone and the temperature went up about 10 degrees! I ran a hot bath and added some mustard salts because a cold is coming; I want to nip it in the bud. What saved me was the cat meowing to be fed again, by hand from her bowl, sticking my fingers into the wet canned food to encourage her, feeling her softest white fur under her whiskers as I scratched her cheek, forcing my attention back into the present moment.

Last night what saved me was my husband’s arm inviting me to scoot over and watch TV on the couch, snuggled up close instead of far away at the other end; picking out a romantic movie to watch and both liking it. Waking up at 5:40 a.m. this morning to have a decaf expresso with hot milk and toast while waiting for the sun to rise pink and gold on the horizon over the frozen lake. Watching the lake start to soften and melt.

Yesterday, reading a poem out loud to a class of thirteen women who are joining me for What Wants to Be Born in You online. Watching them smile as they speak about their intuitively chosen images and all the synchronicities that happened in their small groups. What saves me is this week being full of women friends, a walk with one I hadn’t seen in over a year; a zoom call with my women’s SoulCollage® group to share journaling and card making.

Wow this is a long list!

What saves me is my sister-in law dropping off the Bemer machine so we can balance all the computer and wifi energy with the electro-magnetic current of the earth. Booking a massage for hubby and I to help heal torn shoulders and back pain. Making popcorn from scratch and melting butter like the good old days; singing with my hubby and his guitar, posting it on YouTube and watching the “likes” come in.

The woods, the air, the wind, the sun, the stars, the Moon, the grass slowly greening, the air warming, the tree limbs bare and beautiful, the geese who will return soon, the cardinal’s loud announcements, the hope of seeing tulips within a month, and walking without coats, bare feet in sandals even (unimaginable until this week). The hope of family gatherings once it’s warm out.

Here in the northern hemisphere, the changing of the seasons – when there is no escape possible to southern skies, sun’s heat, ocean waves, greenery and brilliant flowers galore, we hang on, we hang in there, we long for and we appreciate the turning of the Season, the Equinox the light returning, the dark receding, the turning and turning of the big blue planet we call home. The light saves us.

And my breath, this thread connecting me to life, and music. The harmonizing we do with the Uni-Verse One Song. Heart Heart Heart – put a little love in your heart!

(Thanks to Becky Hambrick for using this prompt on World of SoulCollage® today. It got me started...)


Mar 18, 2021

Oh, I could eat this with a spoon and then go back for seconds. Just beautiful, Jennifer.

Jennifer Boire
Jennifer Boire
Apr 24, 2021
Replying to

thank you Becky, ice cream for the soul :)

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