Do not be ready before your time. There’s no knowing what symmetry is marshalling itself below this confusion. First the long attentiveness of listening must be paid. Don’t brave your way out of this husk while it serves to protect your impressionability. Let yourself be kept a while longer in these origins where you are mine alone and I am only yours. Let something sweet be made of our secret. Put not your offering into the world too soon. Let it ripen in the guardianship of your trepidation. Let this fallow time be stretched For it is in this unreadiness that beauty takes its form. Live a season longer in this holy refuge. Because soon what nectar is made of our union will be for all the world to drink, or not drink. And you will need to remember what grace was allowed only by your long staying hidden.
Toko-pa, Dream Coach and Author of Belonging
When we are incubating or courting an unknown project, it is helpful to honour the slow unfolding of the creative process rather than rushing, pushing and probing constantly. Once we have allowed and supported ourselves during the incubation period, and then brought something to fruition, we can also use some help from our newly validated secret self to garner courage to allow it to be seen, to share our work, to be vulnerable, to be visible.
See my class offerings on this website for What Wants to Be Born in You, 4 week class begins Wednesday, March 17.